Thursday 19 July 2012

Goldie returns to Nigeria

The singer returned to Nigeria last night from BBA. Her record label boss Kenny Ogungbe and good friend, Denrele Edun, were at the airport to welcome her home. 
Me too, welcome her back ooo....yels..

Entry 33 by Filani Kemisola.

Entry 33 by Filani Kemisola

10 Weirdest Laws in the World...Hehe..

Laws are in place to keep everyone in order and to keep everyone safe. The law system dates back as far as ancient Egypt. In the old days the King’s decisions were passed as the law. Nowadays though the laws are agreed in government after lengthy discussions. However, there are some laws which still exist that are simply baffling. These have either slipped through the systems unnoticed for years or the men and women in government simply think they are still relevant in today’s society. Make up your own mind after reading the 10 weirdest laws in the world...

1. In France, it is forbidden to call a pig Napoleon

Image source - Zazzle
Good job George Orwell was British then! The author could have been in big trouble otherwise for calling one of his pigs Napoleon in Animal Farm. Who knows, perhaps the infamous French leader had a real distaste for pork or maybe the word “pig” was used as his favourite insult? “Hey you, English pig, get away from my ‘orse!”

5 Most Bizarre Deaths During Sexual Intercourse

If your time had come to an end and you had the choice of how to go, wouldn’t most of us choose to pass away whilst having sex? At least we would die with a smile on our faces. Or would we? I’m not so sure having discovered recently how these people died when having sex. Here is a list of five of the most bizarre deaths during sexual intercourse, as reported in urban titans by

1. Sex + Road = Danger

Image source - Hamed Saber (Flickr)
This couple in the photo for some reason chose to pose for the photo whilst lying down in the middle of the road. A couple from Namibia however decided to go one step further by having sex in the middle of the road. The outcome saw them both run over by a truck. The post mortem on the bodies revealed that the couple both had high levels of alcohol in their system. I think the equation should be rewritten: sex + road + alcohol = high risk of danger!


Top 5 Weirdest Sea Creatures.

There are  several creatures in the sea, but there is this slight quality that brings this 5 sea creatures on this list..they are, The Blob Fish, Firefly Squid, Viper fish, Swimming Sea Cucumber, and Vampire Squid.
They are habitats of the sea.......but WEIRD......

Take a look

Wednesday 18 July 2012

Who wore it better? Rihanna vs Naija chick...

Yes ooo. So, who wore it better?.... seeing things........

Physical inactivity just as deadly as smoking, report says....

  • Man sitting on couch.jpg
A recent report has estimated that about one-third of adults worldwide are not doing enough physical activity – causing just as many deaths as smoking, BBC News reported.

Delivering bigger babies may lead to increased risk of breast cancer................BEWARE.......

  • Small newborn baby.jpg
A new study finds delivering a baby with a high birth weight can more than double a woman’s risk of breast cancer.
Researchers from the University Texas Medical Branch at Galveston used data from two previous studies involving approximately 24,000 women and found those who delivered babies in the top quintile of weight – 8.25 pounds or more – were more than twice as likely to develop breast cancer  than women who delivered smaller babies.

A Gateway to Weight Loss?

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Blue weight scale
Judging from those hoaky commercials, some products will transform you from a jellyfish into a superhero in a jiffy. But what about the mantra we’re hearing that aggressive weight loss is hopeless, because it results in rebound weight gain? Our brain’s reward centers, our hormones, and our psyches simply can’t resist the evolutionary forces unleashed by artificial famine conditions, they say.
Some research is telling us that people can lose weight fast and that this speedy start bodes well for sustained improvement: More weight loss, and no more rebound than slower dieters that lose less weight. This has been a recurring outcome, even recently. Posts online make the claim more boldly than the researchers. A look past the headlines tells us a more nuanced story.

Tuesday 17 July 2012

6 Real Animals With Video Game Superpowers......lols..

Animals don’t play video games for a lots of reasons: the lack of opposable thumbs is the big one, obviously, but there’s also the whole “no higher brain functions” thing.
But the big reason is that, for most of them, there’s just no reason to. Most of the stuff we do in video games because it’s just too ridiculous to try in the real world, they do every day. Stuff like…

6. Sonic the Hedgehog’s Speed Roll
Sonic the Hedgehog is a blue hedgehog who runs really fast and collects gold rings to fight robots and wow, we’d never actually said that out loud before.
Sonic may not be the most… sane flagship character (Mario isn’t much better, but at least “guy jumps on monsters” takes less explanation) but he made up for it with his play-by-my-own-rules ethos and a healthy dose of 90’s ‘tude.

Wha-? Upside down? What will that crazy fool do next?
And he’s definitely not realistic — after all, hedgehogs can’t run, and they certainly don’t gain speed by tucking themselves into a ball and somersaulting and supersonic speeds.
But you know who does? The Wheel Spider.

By wrapping his legs around his body, the Wheel spider can spin at roughly 20 rotations per second, and travel at speeds the equivalent of a car going almost 200 MPH. That’s not quite a match for Sonic, who canonically can reach 770 MPH, but it’s pretty good considering it’s a somersaulting spider.
Watch it on video here.

Monday 16 July 2012

Four Terrifying Animals (That Can’t Hurt You)

While lots of sites will tell you that animals like sharks, bears and wolves aren’t nearly as dangerous as everyone thinks, the fact remains that they can still fuck you up. Hell, even rattlesnakes, who kill 0.96% of the people they bite, will still put you in the ground if you’re drunk enough to decide to play catch with one of them.
Still, some animals that humanity has decided to be terrified of are actually completely harmless. Animals like…
  • 4. Lice

Lice-infestation is ranked pretty high on the list of Terrible Things That Can Happen to a Middle-Schooler. As soon as symptoms appear, schools with a “no nit” policy (which most schools have) will react by immediately sending the kid home and telling them not to return until they’re “cured.” The result is people spending absurd amounts of money to dig the bugs out of their kids head.
Which is totally reasonable! They’re bugs! Eating you, right next to your brain! Right?
Why This is Ridiculous
First off, the “symptoms” that indicate you might have lice is actually just one thing — an itchy scalp, which can be caused by dry skin, tangled hair or the fact that someone mentions it (which is why you’re scratching your head right now). This is probably why 40% of lice infestations are misdiagnosed, and the kids on the fun side of that statistic got to chill at home and play Diablo 3 for no reason.

Second, even if a kid does have lice, odds are they’ve had it for four to six weeks and been contagious just as long, meaning that if anyone else is going to get “infected” it’s most likely already happened.
Finally, there’s the little fact that lice don’t do anything. They cause no disease, cause little irritation beyond a slight itching, and aren’t nearly as contagious as most people believe. They aren’t even attracted to uncleanliness, as is often assumed: science says they’re equally common in clean and dirty hair.

  • 3. Cockroaches
Roaches are almost universally considered a sign of low class and laziness. It’s widely accepted that they only live in dirty, gross houses, owned by dirty, gross people, and that they spread all kinds of dirty, gross diseases. Also, they have teeth in their stomachs, which is terrifying.

Why This is Ridiculous
The simple fact of the matter in this regard is that, like lice, Roaches don’t do anything to you. A recent scientific study found that they’re actually cleaner than people, with self-care habits resembling those of cats. Their ability to carry diseases is compared in that study to a person’s ability to track dirt into a house after going outside. This means that while it can happen, it’s no more or less likely than with any other animal.
Probably the most amazing thing about these disgusting little bastards is that they’re almost single-handedly responsible for maintaining a climate that humans can live in. They play a key role in releasing nitrogen from decaying organic matter, which is necessary for the survival of most plants. This means that if we got rid of the roaches, we’d also be getting rid of all the forests – which would probably be bad for humans in one way or another.

  • 2. Tarantulas
Tarantulas usually rank somewhere between “holy crap!” and “AHHHH!!!!” on the “how most people react to things” spectrum. There’s just no getting around the fact that all spiders are scary because they look almost nothing like us: they have too many arms and not enough face, and how are we supposed to read your emotions if you don’t have comically large eyes?
Do you… want a hug?
Why This is Ridiculous
Despite what Jeff Daniels taught you in the single most important film in American history, Tarantulas aren’t actually the least-bit dangerous. Though they technically could bite you, they never, ever will — and if they did, the amount of venom wouldn’t even be comparable to a bee-sting. They’re basically furry little eight legged cats. With no face.
That doesn’t help, does it.

  • 1. Scorpions
As arachnids, scorpions are basically spiders + claws and a lightening quick death stinger, which is more proof that mother nature is just fucking with us at this point. It’s commonly accepted by the scientific community that nothing is made better by the addition of a stinging death-tail[Citation Needed], especially if that thing is a spider, which we already find scary (see: previous entry in this list, in case you’re reading this backwards or have terrible short term memory or something).

Why This is Ridiculous
Statistics are boring, so I’ll supplement these with images from Clash of the Titans, because this is literally the only good way to use that movie.
There are about 100 species of scorpion in the United States, but only the Arizona Bark Scorpion is dangerous enough to be lethal to a person.