Saturday 26 July 2014

Poverty- Man disfigures wife's face over a piece of FISH

Sometimes, I wonder if some humans are actually humans, i mean Homo sapiens, May be they are Homo erectus or Homo something else, haba, why will you finish your wife's face because of a piece of fish, see the full story below..

For taking a piece of fish from the cooking pot, 34 year old Fatima Bankole (pictured above) said she got the beating of her life from her husband, Alhaji Kamoru Bankole, on Wednesday July 16th and now has 26 stitches on her face as a result of the brutal assault.

Everyone is crazy in Lagos' - an article by Etcetera

You know i love reading anything useful/useless, so i saw this wonderful piece written by Etcetera and sdecided to share it with you, i kinda agree in a way tho, cos sometimes to survive in Lagos you need to be crazy....See his write up below...


Few weeks ago, I got a call from a friend asking me out for a drink, but I was already at the Lagos airport. “I’m not going to be around for the next few days,” I told him. “I’m going to Abuja.” His immediate reaction was – “Why? What’s wrong? Do you want to bore yourself to death?” That’s the typical response I get whenever I tell someone I am travelling to Abuja. Abuja is a beautiful city with a terrible reputation for boredom. I have heard people in other cities speak of Lagos as a noisy, dirty and dangerous city filled with crazy people. In truth, everyone in Lagos is crazy. What else do you expect in a state crammed with 22 million people?

Friday 25 July 2014

Day 26-I am grateful to God for the first half of the year 2014....Dee Obi

It is the last Saturday (Sabbath) of this superb month, July, and we are gradually going to the end of the project #31days31epistles, and frankly speaking, I enjoyed every bit of it. Each day from July 1, different persons have shared their epistles with us. I hope you have been inspired throughout this month.

Today we are going to read one of my very good uncle’s epistle, I call him Dee Obi. He is an Elder with the remnant church, Seventh day Adventist church, Sango-Ota, a father of three and one wife. He is my mentor, a superb role model and most of all, he loves the young people. Oh, did I mention that he enjoys music and a die-hard fan of Arsenal FC (abeg no joke with him club o). Enjoy his epistle below.

Wednesday 23 July 2014

Day 24/25- Its my CHRIS TUCKER's day- Each day Counted for something.

Some of you will wonder why I call him “My Chris Tucker”, the truth remains that he has a striking similarity to the action figure that partnered with Jackie Chan in the movie “Rush Hour”. Osinachi or Oscywhyte or My-Chris-Tucker depending on the one I want to call him, is a fine boy no pimple wiz, who has a very interesting personality, there are no dull moments when he is around, he must put a smile on you with his songs, he loves music so much.

Today we are going to be reading an epistle from a star, whose light is going to make you blind if you don’t wear a sun shade. Yes sir, I told Oscy about the project, reminded him once and he balled in his write up to me quickly too, and even apologized for the delay he felt I had to experience before getting this epic epistle to me, so Ladies and Gentlemen, without further ado I give you his epistle below…

Day 23- Ann is up- so far it has being exciting, educative and inspiring.

How long must this feeling go on, how long must the pain go on, how long must this rather poignant feeling go on, the feeling that you are broke, the feeling that you are scared of love, the feeling that you are lonely, the feeling that someone else might take your place in the life of that person you love, the fear of a heart break, the feeling of revenge, the hash way you treat guys just because of the way your own father treats you or the way you treat ladies wickedly just because of the way your own mum treats you. How long, just how long will it take to wait for the right time to come, The truth is that i do not know, but one thing i know is if you are patient enough, the goodies will come knocking soon.

Today on GTB, we are having day 23 of our program, #31days31epistles, and Ann is going to share her epistle with us all, she is a dear friend, a sweet heart, a wonderful person and colleague, enjoy her epistle below.

Tuesday 22 July 2014

Day 21/22- Chioma is in an open relationship with God....

Some of you will wonder why you were unable to get the daily dose of inspiration from the blog via the #31days31epistles, the truth is that firstly i had a very busy day and i lost some of the epistles to virus, so i am trying to retrieve most of them, i am positive that i will, but if all efforts prove abortive, then i will have to sadly combine the days or skip some days, i am so sorry for any inconvenience this may cause you, but the epistles must all be shared with you all. Sincerely, to run a project is not easy, but where there is a will, there is a way, so i am presenting to you today's epistle, Chioma. I must comment, she is one die-hard fan of mine, and i love her so much. Thank you dear, for such a wonderful epistle, may Joy never end in your hood, amen. Enjoy her epistle, below

I started my year gloriously and was overwhelmed with excitement. The joy which d Lord gave to me still intoxicates me.

In january, I had a Change of base, relocated from one place to a better place. "We" like the change, because it was worth it. Though it was stressful and heart breaking due to many reasons. Hmm!, indeed Devil was at work but GOD in his unfathomable divine mercy saw us through.

Sunday 20 July 2014

Day 20- Lets take a blitz on last week's epistles..

The Third week of July didn’t go too well, a lot of “sad” things happened via the week, firstly, two friends of mine passed on, the news is so sad, leaving family members devastated, friends shocked and some even think they are still dreaming. Nation wise, Nigeria also had her sad moment last week too, as Boko Haram succeeded to drag more people to their early graves. Globally, there was a sad moment when a plane carrying over 270 passengers, including little children, were knocked out of the atmosphere as its flew to its destination by some pro-Russian terrorist.

Wow, what a week it was, despite all the sad news, I am sure that the sole fact that one is alive today is a succor that all is well, also there were some good news like Jude Okoye’s traditional marriage, my write-up being featured on a blog (check it here) and sweet messages from six people who shared their epistle with us throughout last week, encouraging us to hold on, not to give up on our dreams.